
Trevipay - Software Developer - Remote | Australia

I was introduced to Vue2 for the first time. Vue was indeed quite easy to learn and the fact that we were using Quasar for our frontend.

Backend was also new to me, wherein I was coming from Django stack.

Setting up of the machine took a while since we were supplied with a windows machine and all of the internal documentations was written assuming MacOs was being used. Luckily WSL2 already exists for windows users which took a while to set all up. I wrote new documentations for the process to save time for future devs supplied with Mac.

Daily work would involve:

  • Discuss new features and groom stories.
  • Write new features.
  • Write tests using Jest and Cypress for unit and e2e testing.
  • Implement internalization with Quasar using Vue2.
  • Document and expound current internal knowledges for future usage.

Additional work was with a new project with backend using NestJS. The main project was using Graphql and ExpressJS and we started a new microservice with NestJS which was new for the team.