Projects and Experience

  1. April, 2023

    Lead Developer - Remote | Netherlands

    Details will be added in the future!

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  2. January, 2023

    Ecommerce Application: Remote Contract - NestJS and Vue3

    Designed, implemented, and deployed a full stack e-commerce application using Django with Graphql, NextJS and Typescript for the frontend, Docker for containerization with docker-compose, Redis for task queueing, Postgres for the database, and for the deployment utilized AWS services such as S3, ECS, ECR, Fargate, and CloudFormation.

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  3. August, 2022 - January, 2023

    Remote Contract - Django, Nextjs and Graphql

    Redesigned existing application, added new features and deployed a full stack e-commerce application using Django with Graphql. Used NextJS with Typescript for the frontend, Docker for containerization with docker-compose as an orchestrator, Redis for task queueing, Postgres for the database, and for the deployment utilized AWS services such as S3, ECS, ECR, Fargate, and CloudFormation.

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  4. January, 2023

    Vue 3 + TypeScript + Vite + Tailwindcss used for UI Component Library

    A starter for a component library using storybook as a self documenting starter for large projects.

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  5. March, 2021 - September, 2022

    Trevipay - Software Developer - Remote | Australia

    Development of existing codebase along with a team of 8-10 people including PO, QA and developers following Agile Development

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  6. May, 2022

    Quiz App written in Nextjs

    Simple quiz app connected to a free api with database of questions that gives you a score at the end and can repeat and play with friends.

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  7. May, 2022

    Vue 3 + TypeScript + Vite + Tailwindcss used for UI Component Library

    A starter for a component library using storybook as a self documenting starter for large projects.

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  8. March, 2020

    Crypto History and Currency Exchange

    Proprietary website deployed via vercel. Used Vue3 and Typescript with Bootstrap to connect an API with crypto historical data and to another API to compute currency on demand by date. ( Removed link and github as it was paid by the client )

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  9. March, 2020

    Zenrooms - Python Developer - Remote

    Development of platform using Django for HR financing that automates computations and invoicing for B2B transactions.

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  10. March, 2020

    Seafaring Manning Agencies Geoplot

    Visualizations and Analysis for Manning Agencies in the Philippines for Seafarers

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